
Who is entitled to the child allowance?

In Germany, aside from German citizens, the following people have a right to the child allowance: 

  • People from the EU and the EEA (European Economic Area)
  • People from states with which an applicable treaty exists (Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) 

In addition, people with the following residence permits have a right to the child allowance: 

  • Permanent settlement permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis)
  • Permanent EU residency
  • EU blue card 
  • Residence permit with permission to work (please note the exceptions below)
  • People with the following are not eligible: 
  • Residence permit for studies
  • Residence permit for an apprenticeship
  • Temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltsgestattung) 
  • Toleration (Duldung) 

You can also get advice via chat or at an MBE (Migrationsberatung [Immigration counselling]) office. Family counselling agencies can also provide information about the child allowance.